Please submit your paper (zip archive with all supporting materials) before January 15, 2017. The author’s copy should start from 5-6 pages and shouldn’t exceed 15 pages for original research papers, and 22 pages for overview papers.

It should contain the following structural elements:

1. Introduction

2. Problem Statement: statement of the article goals

3. Presentation of the main research results with a complete explanation of the obtained scientific results. This part could be split into subparts with the appropriate names

4. Conclusions

The manuscript (DOC/DOCX file) is submitted together with:

1. Abstract (up to 1000-2500 symbols and it should contain the following information in very short view: background, objective, methods, results, conclusions, keywords)

2. Information about the authors (last name, first name, and middle name, optionally ORCID (, academic degree, academic title, place of work, position, home and work addresses,

phone number, and email)

Manuscript requirements:

1. Page setup: top and bottom margins – 2 cm, left margin – 2.5 cm, right margin – 1.5 cm. Page numbers – in the top right corner. The first page is not numbered.

2. Main elements of the article are positioned in the following order: UDC printed in capitals, followed by a single line spacing and paragraph, next line – initials and family name of the author (authors) with normal letters, single line spacing – article title printed with capital bold letters, single line spacing and paragraph – name of the article structural element of the article, single line spacing paragraph – text, single line spacing and paragraph – name of the next structural element of the article, appendix (if it is present), references.

3. The authors should use terminology and definitions that correspond to international and state standards. When using a new term or an abbreviation authors should explain them.

4. When selecting physical units the authors should follow SI.

5. Formulas, figures, tables and sections are numbered consequently using Arabic numbers. One should not number structural elements and formulas in article if they are not referenced in the text. Tables must not duplicate graphs.

6. References should be presented in the order of citation. It is not allowed to reference not published or not finished works.

References formatting examples (IEE Cit Ref):

1. L. Stein, “Random patterns”, in Computers and You, J. S. Brake, Ed. New York: Wiley, 1994, pp. 55–70.

2. M. Abramowitz and I. A. Stegun, Eds., Handbook of Mathematical Functions (Applied Mathematics Series 55). Washington, DC: NBS, 1964, pp. 32–33.

3. J.H. Davis and J.R. Cogdell, “Calibration program for the 16-foot antenna”, Elect. Eng. Res. Lab., Univ. Texas, Austin, Tech. Memo. NGL-006- 69-3, Nov. 15, 1987.

4. J.P. Wilkinson, “Nonlinear resonant circuit devices”, U.S. Patent 3 624 125, July 16, 1990.

5. J.O. Williams, “Narrow-band analyzer”, Ph.D. dissertation, Dept. Elect. Eng., Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA, 1993.

6. R.E. Kalman, “New results in linear filtering and prediction theory”, J. Basic Eng., ser. D, vol. 83, pp. 95–108, 1961.

File requirements:

1. The text in the article (i.e. the manuscript) should be formatted using Microsoft Word respecting the

following requirements: font “Times New Roman Cyr” (for the first copy font size – 10, for the second – 14), printing – for the first copy using single line spacing, for the second – double line spacing, automatic hyphenation should not be used, align text left, paragraphs should be started using the “Tab” key. “Enter” key should be used only at the end of paragraph.

2. For formulas please use Microsoft Equation or MathType. This also applies to formulas that are present in the text.

3. All braces – (); [], {} – should be printed using correspondent keys on the keyboard.

4. The width of the formulas should not exceed 8 cm, size 100 %.

5. The figures must be drawn using Microsoft Word, Corel Draw of any version, Visio, Excel. Every figure is presented in a separate file. Relations to correspondent file must be established in the text. Figures made not using graphical editors are submitted on separate pages, the originals are submitted for photos. Figures width: 82 or 170 mm. Every figure should have a caption. Number notations on the figures have to be scaled proportionally to the size of the figure. Width of the contour lines: 0.8–1.0 mm, auxiliary – 0.5 mm, graticule – 0.3 mm. Figures with subfigures a, b, c…, should have the same height and be combined on horizontal sides.

4. Table width: 85 mm or 170 mm. Maximum table width: 210 mm. Every table must have caption.

For details of file and manuscript requirements use the following instruction (rules_naukovi_visti_foreign-authors).

Please archive the manuscript (DOC/DOCX file) and supporting materials (abstract, information about the authors) in a single zip-file and name this file with your last name. Send this file to or submit using the registration form (